Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hinduism-Way of Life- Offering Food to God

Traditionally, food is offered to God before it is  consumed.   Food includes fruits, dried fruits and nuts, cooked grains except garlic, onion, egg and meat.

Why should we offer food to God?

God has everything, why should we offer him?   He does'nt even eat a morsel.

We were taught that offering food to God means being thankful for.   For the sake of argument, you can say Thanks for offering Food just before eating as well.

There are more logical reasons behind this act,  Our ancestors wanted us to lead a healthy life, they knew the value of freshly cooked food.  When we have to cook just for us, we will not be worried if it is freshly made or not but when we cook something to be offered to God, then we take bath and make it in the morning so that it is ready to be offered.  This ritual had been followed religiously for so many centuries until the present generation.   We should remember that our ancestors never had any of the fancy kitchen gadgets that we are surrounded with.

We dont even need to chant any special verses, just say "Om, om,om, God, Please accept the food that I made and bless us healthy and peaceful life"

The objective of this post is to remind the value of fresh food and when you offer it to God,  it becomes divine.   This divine food will surely purify our soul and lead us to a peaceful life.   

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